In the fifth assignment, we were given 11 square elements, 9 rectangle elements and 17 isosceles right triangles, but the dimensions of the elements were not given. They should be multiples of 4,5 cm.
This exercise was really different and difficult because the design were supposed to make use of the rhythm that we explored both verbally and graphically in the previous exercise. I had chosen a part of an opera by Mozart as an example of a complex rhythm. In the opera, The Magic Flute, the rhythm was created by dividing a time. I had tried to express five measures of this opera.
In this exercise, I tried to use groups as a time period because the the principle of rhythm in music is described with 'time'. In this design, there are 2 different groups. The first one, which consists of 1 rectangle, 1 square and 3 triangles, indicates the time of a half note. I used the first group 5 times: four of them are big and the other is small. (The point that I expressed the rythm is changing the position and the dimension of the group to show variations in the notes: They occupy the same amount of musical time, but they are not the same. The second group indicates the combination of quarter notes and quarter rests. It is used 2 times.
While connecting the groups, I followed the measures and put the groups together according to that order. To keep the groups and the rhythm perceivable, I avoided connections that prevented clarity of the design. These two points lead to lack of the stability and I was late to realize that. At first, my priority was stability but I couldn't show this rhythm with this rules in a stable way. After the discussion, I have learnt that my design actually doesn't have 3 dimension. It looks like a circle, but the balance between the central space and the elements is not maintained. I also learnt that although the number of elements are given to us, other parts of a design, such as space, is not limited. Therefore, we should be careful arranging it: Freedom brings responsibility.